The E-Learning course developed within the RESILOC Project is a training product that aspires to increase citizens’ engagement in resilience policies at community level. Developed by ISIG (Institute of International Sociology of Gorizia), the course builds upon the experiences of the four RESILOC pilot communities and is based on their lessons learned in the implementation of the LRT model. The E-Learning course is a tool to broker the knowledge developed within the project to a wider audience.
Among the RESILOC E-Learning contents, users will be able to know more on: the holistic approach to community resilience; community resilience policies; disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategies and tactics within the broader framework of the Disaster Management Cycle; risk communication and risk awareness/perception; the role of stakeholders’ participation in enhancing community resilience; and a review of the products developed by RESILOC; along with the case studies of their implementation.
RESILOC E-Learning aims at:
- Raising awareness on the relevance of participation processes in the Civil Protection Mechanism and in the enhancement of community resilience.
- Raising the awareness of Civil Protection operators on the importance of adopting a holistic approach on resilience.
- Brokering the operative tools developed within the RESILOC project to increase community resilience through participation processes.
RESILOC’s E-Learning provides theoretical and operational insights with an approach that encourages user’s focus and interaction. The goal is to provide the end-user with an innovative, inclusive, future-oriented and pleasant experience. Among others, the E-Learning targets: Local Civil Society Organizations (formal and informal groups); Local Authorities; Volunteering groups activated under the Civil Protection Mechanism.
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